
This site is still a work-in-progress, but will eventually be a landing page for my ramblings, tributes to my problematic faves, random ephemera that delights me, self-reflection, in-jokes, dog pics, and (hopefully) a sense of play.
Image: Snake Amongst Flowers, ca. 1895. Designed by Charles Francis Annesley Voysey (British, 1857-1941). Silk and linen. The Huntington Library.



“Visitors” The Southeast Review, Fall 2019
(Nominated for 2019 Pushcart Prize)

“Grapevine” (co-written with Shasta Grant), Little Fiction, July 2019

“Application for a Restraining Order” Barren Magazine, June 2019

“Bela Karolyi” Blood Orange Review, December 2018
(Nominated for Sundress Best of The Net 2019)

“Instructions for Losing Your Mind” Cosmonauts Avenue, October 2018

“The Scientific Method” Sundog Lit, October 2018
(Nominated for Sundress Best of The Net 2019; Longlisted for the Wigleaf Top 50, 2019)

“Apology” Jellyfish Review, August 2018

“Cyber Monday” Split Lip Magazine, November 2016
(Selected as a Longform Fiction “Pick of the Week”)


Anne Rasmussen lives in Portland, Oregon. She has taught writing in jail, advised graduate students, and constructed giant bear costumes worn by Rockettes. Her writing appears in Split Lip Magazine, Jellyfish Review, Sundog Lit, Cosmonauts Avenue, Blood Orange Review, Little Fiction, Barren Magazine, and The Southeast Review. She serves as an Assistant Fiction Editor for Split Lip Magazine and Pithead Chapel, and as a literary fiction reader/reviewer for the inaugural #100smallpress project, hosted by Lit Hub. From 2014-2017 she edited Late Night Library’s Late Night Interview column. She sympathizes with unreliable narrators.


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Illustration from Harriet the Spy by Louise Fitzhugh, copyright 1964